
letting someone as ignorant and morally bankrupt as her, listen to holocaust stories would be pointless. apparently she thinks that the holocaust was necessary. with ppl like her i always wish for instant karma, but if that doesn't happen, i know with every fiber of my being that her life will be SHIT as long as she

has he been hanging around miley? lmao!

lmao! great call!

you are speakin' tha truth!! she's brilliant.

it's hilarious how chill the cats are about it all! it's NOT hilarious how much some ppl are taking this entirely too seriously! gawd, lighten up. there is absolutely nothing traumatic happening to these dogs. don't believe me? ask any vet. i bet your pets have a ball at your house.

are you serious?? really? the worst anything those cats did was swat at them when they walked by. i wish i could send you some money so you could BUY YOURSELF A SENSE OF HUMOR!! i bet your a barrel of laughs and a member of PETA aren't you?

i can't even imagine this woman's pain. but for you to freak out that bad every time your boyfriend leaves seems unhealthy. it makes me worry if you ever have children, how will you deal with that? i couldn't live in that kind of fear. and it's really a lot to put on another person. therapy might help and i'm not

I LOVE REN AND STIMPY! all this video needed was some funky poppin' jazz music, ala ren and stimpy, and it would be worthy of the grossness of their cartoons!

gouge, not gauge. lol

excuse me, but your thanksgiving dinner items are exactly the same as ours. the casserole thing varies from family to family, but they're usually an addition rather than taking the place of more standard fair. no need to be snarky since you're eating the same things we are, minus a casserole.

the kid on the commercial barely even dances! there's no comparison.

she is NOT THAT TALENTED. she represents the lowest standard in music. her voice is nothing spectacular. her lyrics are boring repetitive and the worst kind of personal self indulgence. and she is FAKE. no one is that sweet and "innocent". but you go right ahead and suck that pablum up and some of us will keep looking

it does look crappy but WHO CARES? did this really warrant this sort of alarmist header? you can still easily find what you're looking for on the website. target isn't doing well right now. the lower to middle income shoppers they target(HAA) don't have much disposable income right now, so sales are down and they're

really?? you can't just enjoy it for the fucking beauty of it? i'm the first person to jump all over some racial bullshit, but that just seems ridiculous in this case. c'mon! do you really want to turn EVERYTHING into a battle? let this one ride for god's sake. do you think the black women in the group have issue? i

i'd take 100 obamas over EVER having that ignorant horrid bush in power again! there's no comparison of the two. if there was such a thing as the anti-christ, george would be it!

i would like to give that man a cash prize for telling blubberboy to SHUT THE FUCK UP! and maybe a bonus for the repeated yelling of the word fuck! awesome! and your right, this dude is NEVER getting laid.

what an ass! i think she was genuinely upset at first, but then i think she just went into full drama queen mode. she wasn't even really crying anymore, towards the end. i understand loving a sports team, but to act like this??!! i have a feeling she acts like this all the time. and why didn't she go to where the