
If I actually saw any of it I would donate it to the democrat running against him.

If anyone shows up dressed like deadpool, they’re either trolling or don’t know the character that well

Anyone want to join me for a team entry?

His name is Whett Thudd. Modern scouts, with their algorithms and advanced metrics, will tell you he’s too small and too slow to make an NFL roster. But what those bean-counters can’t see on their spreadsheets, what old-school football men know in their hearts, is that this former Appalachian State standout linebacker

Often wrong, but never in doubt.

Has Li'l Corncob Ben resorted to "you're all taking me out of context! Debate me!!" yet?

Yeah, we called W. Bush’s presidency illegitimate because Jeb stole it for him, and Trump’s because Russia and gerrymandering won it for him.

There were also a number of conservative outlets pulling the “We’re not saying it’s true but it makes you think.” line.

This - I have been trying to say this. I want M4A. I BELIEVE in it. I want it RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. But you’re right, this can’t possible pass even if everything goes our way in 2020. The only way this passes is roughly a decade from now if EVERY SINGLE SENATE AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION goes to the Dems, AND if a

He reminds me of that one contrarian prick that every high school has in every year.  They are never nearly as smart as they think they are, but they are all CERTAIN of the stupidity of others. 

Lying about things that can easily be checked is modern conservatism. He knows his hordes of idiots will believe whatever he says, even if he’s contradicting his past self. It’s collective self-delusion. 

I suppose you could use it for the most embarrassing Viking funeral ever.....

How many of those babies are born to poor white mothers in red states? Is there any chance that there’s a correlation between supporting extreme right wing policies and high infant mortality rates?

Conservatives are always for free speech unless it’s a brown Liberal American citizen. Then they don’t have freedom of speech and they tell them to leave the country

it’s the Middle Eastern “Bless your heart” on steroids

Incorrect. Israel was originally going to let them in as a sign of respect for our alliance, until Trump publicly requested that they be banned. Netanyahu is desperate to bolster his right-wing support (being Prime Minister is the only thing keeping him out of prison) so he went along with it. It turns out that

I was hoping to learn the Arabic for “@RealDonaldTrump Go fuck yourself”!

“May god ruin him”.

“May God ruin him” is quiet old-lady Arabic for “Fuck that orange-assed motherfucker”.

So if it is a mental health issue and not a gun issue... maybe we should require people to prove their mental fitness prior to purchasing a gun?