
I’m shocked an artist who put out a song called “Ur So Gay” might not have the best sense of tact.

“stay PC to protect [Perry’s] ‘image’,”

“Fuck this, I’m not helping her BS image another second.”

“The air really gets sucked from their sails when liberals respond with “Good, put Bill in jail too.”

Watch a college gymnastics meet and you’ll see teammates losing their minds for their peers.

Wait a minute ...

Quote I read years ago “The victim of my victim is surely confused”

I love how a guy who can’t spell Hamburger, and a guy who’s been eating the vegan version in Harlem for the past decade are now responsible for crafting an elaborate scheme to murder a pedophile to prevent him from...um...telling the world he had connections to them?

Barr is such a shit eating toady. Pushes to reduce asylum claims due to threats, argues for indefinite detention of immigrants, reinstates the death penalty, but wants a federal investigation of a pedophile's suicide in a witch hunt to dig up dirt on a political opponent of the President. 

Trump knows Clinton bashing/blaming is one of the best ways to get the red-faced men to scream with joy. That’s really all that matters.

For years I’ve insisted they should at least put a row of NBA players, including Shaq, on the edge of the mat so they can wild the fuck out ay time  Biles or Raisman does something nutz.

Most of what I know about gymnastics comes from my wife, who is a sportswriter covering Olympic sports....and my completely uneducated guess is right now, USA Gymnastics wouldn’t want to mess with anything that gives them sorely needed good publicity. They’ve lost most of their sponsors and any goodwill as an

She needs to be tested for a performance enhancing radioactive spider bite.

performative! pearl! clutching!

At what point do we switch from saying “Simone Biles is the Michael Jordan/Tom Brady/Serena Williams of her sport” to “Michael Jordan/Tom Brady/Serena Williams were the Simone Biles of their sport”?

“When we’re able to hang on to the health plan we have, that’s considered a massive win, but it’s a huge drag on our bargaining,” she told Politico. “So our message is: Get it off the table.”

I'd have guessed Trump University. 

Soon every commercial break on fox will consist of only that pillow guy and people trying to sell gold.

Well, the Fuckknuckle in Chief is already protected against guns, so what’s important to him is his widdle feelings on the internet.

Things we need government oversight on: People commenting on the internet.

Things we don’t need government oversight on: People purchasing guns specifically designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Fucking way to fucking go.