
Win this one for one of America’s first strong, independent women, Betsy Ross.

Dump is the the final outcome of the Golden Calf, Pharisees and Temple money changers. He’s everything Jesus ever preached against.

In Kilmeade’s defense, I’ve read that the facilities are like the Four Seasons, in that they alternate between being too fucking hot and too fucking cold.

Sane people - “Here’s is direct audio, video, and photographic evidence of the terrible conditions at the border camps.”

I could see them “solving” the problem of the mentally ill homeless population with Greyhound therapy, tbh. 

The reason is that the chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council was an advisor on Trump’s campaign.

I’m a Brit, and our camps were the first to be officially called concentration camps. IIRC the Japanese internment camps were not officially referred to as concentration camps, and the same people who refuse to recognise the Trump camps as concentration camps would probably do the same with the Japanese camps

I note that a Conservative has replied to me with the the standard “libtard” line and no actual substance. Not surprising because there’s no substance there to be had.  Such.....Civility.

How about the Jews who went and shut down one facility today?

I knew you were dumb. But you don’t even know how to use google?

She’s a young woman who talks, so she’s a threat to them.

Yeah now that they've unmasked, the next time someone says it's fascistic to have state run healthcare will rightfully be reminded that Republican Concentration Camps are that way ---->

The museum denying the link was stupid for a very simple reason: the Holocaust isn’t the sole owner of concentration camps. They have been used by countless countries and come in a variety of forms. 

Shut the fuck up.

 Shut up, tomato. 

Remember when Democrats helped Republicans abolish ACORN over a doctored video? With zero debate? Good times.

So is the Hague busy this time of year? Asking for A LOT of people. 

remember back when the conservative line was “it’s offensive to call them concentration camps”

But if you can find another 100 fools to buy our products, you can make a little money at it.
