
“For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility.”

Some drool for the fool. 

“It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems,” Trump told Breitbart. “For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the

No one should be spit on or caged. Well, at least not caged. 

No, I’m sure he’ll be leading an agency in the Trump administration after all is said and done. Either that, or a Fox News’ newest talking head.

I assume he ran on a “family values” platform and is an avid pro-lifer?

Those Pizzagate morons sure are ignoring this human trafficking by the US government.

Finally, the big chance for my start-up knazi.com to really get off the ground!

It’s too coherent, and it doesn’t have any needlessly ALL CAPS words because Babyhands McFuckface thinks that ALL CAPS makes him sound like a big boy.

Isn’t this all an elaborate Saudi handjob? No wonder both sides are angry-laughing.

Trump advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner has spent years three and a half minutes working on a plan

That ‘response’ from the WH is 93% unintentionally fucking hilarious.

Laura Ingraham, shitting in a diaper to own the libs.  What is it with horrible conservatives and a fixation on toilet issues?

I’m still holding out hope that the only Trump Presidential Library he gets is the one where he has to pass out books to the other inmates.

Well, yeah. I bet the Republicans wish they could get him to never say a single thing in public so that they can more clearly craft everything he supposedly says.

My catty ass LOVES the comment on Trump’s penis size: “Was it in there, or only partially in there? Hm, not sure.” You know that’s driving him bonkers.

I have no doubt that Trump either orders or actually leaks most of what comes out of the White House. Since the late 70s, Trump has been leaking things about himself that he wants out there -- then would deny or complain about the leaks. 

Guys I think I found the leaker.

Got to love MAGAt logic: The Dems are so weak that they can’t accomplish anything but witch hunts yet, at the same time, the Dems are also so strong that they can make Trump go against his own policies.

You’re giving Trump too much credit here. The part about delaying the raids at the request of Democrats is pure theater, but the rest is just Trump fucking things up all on his own.