
I think Microsoft are going to have the strongest showing at E3.

gotta include some driveclub gifs if i'm mentioning the title, can't help it.

I can't help but include gifs whenever Driveclub is mentioned.

A few years ago, 10 gigs for a game was absurd. Now that's standard. It's called technological advancement.

As close to Hoverboarding as we're probably going to get

The crazy thing is I remember going to the movies to see this and at the time I was 12 years old that whole scene where they first shot up Murphy gave me nightmare for about 2 weeks.

Other people can shove their overzealous feelings into their whiny little assholes. Fucking blows my mind that people honestly believe they have some sort of right to not being offended. Especially over something as stupidly trivial as this.

So sick of these entitled keyboard activists that decry anything that doesn't

Actually, I'm well aware of the difference between gender and sex, especially so considering I have friends who are trans. Guess what? They make that joke too. So do my female friends. I guess we're all a bunch of insensitive assholes or something : /

LOL, wouldn't the original cover, now technically be the Limited Edition one? :P

I cant be the only one who likes the way it looks. Anyone?

In theory its possible, but when I see people benchmark games on a pc built in that ballpark its always games that have also come out on last gen consoles and arent taking full advantage of any hardware. If you built a 600 dollar pc now, sure you'll be able to run battlefield 4 today (that has pretty low

Given how good the other games looked on consoles, it's pretty safe to say that this will probably look great on XB1 and PS4. I'm looking forward to this.

I'm a man who plays as an italian who plays as a cat in games.

I think it's missing a little something:

I don't know, one of the few things I liked about Man of Steel was Faora. Her armor and character were pretty decent.

I think Xbox FINALLY playing catch-up to Sony's value doesn't quite put the call in their court. As it stands, Sony's still way out ahead and Microsoft still has much more catching up to do.

Exclusive games is all they have now. Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Halo, Quantum Break...

They've got a pretty good head start. The best way to respond is to have killer games, which is all they should be concerned about. I'm sure Sony knew they wouldn't just win on price for the entire life of the system, so I doubt this has them running scared.