
I hope it's with the awkward guy from last episode's dinner date.

I'll love the karmic symbolism of it if Betty ends up being the only original character who's actually happy by the end of the show.

You just went right there, didn't you.

Everything about her feels unrealistic, but after seeing her in Stay I'm used to associating her face with dream-like scenarios.

We do get that. But it's only a 7-episode arc, and the show is acting as though it's an earlier season where they had all the time in the world to keep going and could play around with new characters.

First off, you're right on: we don't need to be introduced to new tertiary characters at this point. It's fairly late in the show for them to introduce new family members and give us insight into why Megan is frustrated.

I felt that way too. Really? A million dollar check? Even at the height of his love for Megan I couldn't believably picture Don parting with $1m that easily, let alone out of guilt he shouldn't even be feeling, and let alone after bickering with her over $500.

1. Gets dead-end secretarial job
2. Marries into a rich life and green card at 25
3. Gets career only thanks to influential husband
4. ???
5. Is irremedially pissed

I still don't get why she decided it was ok to clean Don's furniture out, and that it was ok to accept a million-dollar check from him right after with a straight face.

My alarms started going off on Megan the minute she was a lying bitch to Stephanie, I think last season. I think she's become worse than Betty in that Betty was so overtly bitter that at least you knew what was coming.

I must be missing something vital here. Why is she so angry at Don? He's the only reason she has somewhat of a career instead of still being a secretary.

I'm fairly sure that was the joke.

I noticed that too!! I'm always shocked at how strangely prudish Olivia can be in light of what she does for a living. You really shouldn't be a crisis management or PR professional if the mere sight of a threeway will throw you off balance.

I love how when Olivia set him up, Rowan's monologue du jour was specifically about abandoning her to her own devices. When she immediately got kidnapped after, I was like "Wow, that was instant karma".

I have no idea how OPA keeps their lights on.

This is such a good point. Huck and Jake have committed atrocities that the show seems to just kind of forget about. I'd be willing to accept Jake's killing of James and the two women if it had been for some greater good, but it was just for a petty political agenda, namely Sally's gay husband ordeal. That doesn't

Except that Hillary Clinton is an actual politician with a sense of perspective. Mellie is pretty much only into her personal agendas, and into feeling like she has power.

Extra comment: I skipped this episode and read the recap. I'm really not a fan of B613 episodes, for no other reason than the fact that it just makes no sense.

"Clearly Olivia needs to get out of this dangerous spy nonsense and become a freelance efficiency consultant. Olivia Pope: Redundancy between the marketing and sales teams? It’s handled".

That is a good point.