
Don’t blame Microsoft. It’s not their fault the tablets are full of spyware.

Look, this all begins and ends with Ridley’s quote on the subject. The movies about Egyptian gods and Biblical stories wouldn’t get made with Mohamed Saad Ahmed or Gila Almagor in the leads.

For anyone who doesn’t want to watch the whole video:

But Apple can bundle Apple maps, Safari, etc. no problem.

Too easy...for reasons that I think everyone understands.

It was like Freaks and Geeks for kids. Doug Funnie was the perfect everyman, and so relatable, but all the characters were great. Plus his daydreams as Quailman and Jack Bandit were always a lot of fun.

For sheer story construction and character development. Ive never seen an animated series take one long form story and tell it as tightly and richly as this if at all. This quote from its Peabody award says it all. "The series is distinguished by multi-dimensional characters, unusually complicated personal

Avatar TLA. Look, I LOVE Batman TAS, but the massive switchup of style and the lightening of tone in the later seasons is a blemish. Avatar is basically perfect. Every episode, even the non-critical filler episodes, offered something to the story, or a character moment, or just a really neat action scene. For me,

I see, I see. Because slapping hugely inflated reparations on Germany worked out so well for everybody the first time.

Totally missing. That's not cool. Kiki should not be missing.

Comcast will be there between 8:00am and 6:00pm.

Terrible name.

Feelings about the Matrix sequels aside, these "everything wrong with X" videos are SO PAINFULLY AWFUL. Only a small percent of the comments are actually plot holes or mistakes in the movies, the rest of it is a counter of how many idiotic snarky remarks this person can make.

Sort of cheating because I actually don't think A:TLA has a single bad episode in it's entire run.

Matt, you are using a BS argument to foment outrage where there should be none. Your notion of rapidly detecting blood borne pathogens like HIV has no relevance to the world of Blood Banking. Blood Banks use screening tests, not diagnostic tests (if you don't immediately understand the difference you should recuse

I guess he got his "quarterly bonus".....