Mel Kipper

Juice oranges no less!

Whoa whoa.. I earned that sticker. Not like that parasites that just get a sticker for no reason. Keep your hands off my sticker.

The republicans can expect the same level of filibustering that the they gave. That would mean that items will require 60 votes. However, if it's a "damaging" kabuki vote, Obama can give coverage for to dems to vote with Replubicans and can veto, which will require 67 votes to overcome.

From my childhood until now, I always assumed he named her "Martha". Which I had mixed feelings about even as an 8 year old.

Loved the topical patriot missile joke in that one. Classic.

Best volleyball related subplot ever….Take that North Beach Club!

He's got a whole /usr/bin full of zingers.

"You think I look bad… You should see the other Goy"

His expression is pretty awesome. Like the painted him right after capturing him in the middle of something.

Yes! This! It's the "Jazz LP Collection" of movies. So much better as a concept than as an actual "thing".

Didn't you just want to smack the crap out of Connor that whole game. You'd think coldblooded assassins would be less whiny.

Like a Trans Am?