Sub the rice for fries or tater tots for a “California Burrito” alternative.
Sub the rice for fries or tater tots for a “California Burrito” alternative.
When you put it that way can imagine a situation like this:
They may be aggressively marketed and highly profitable.
Back in the day when Popeyes would give out Paul Prudhomme hot sauce with orders I thought it was Dom DeLuise on the bottle.
Times are pretty bad when Paul Ryan is not considered to be on the far wing of his shit party.
Well you should be done if you can’t detect such overt sarcasm.
Despite their on-screen chemistry Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder weren’t close friends.
I imagine a shaved white ballsack on a hot, humid day.
Pops was one of the first.
You mad, killa?
A voice activated lid on a dumpster I can get behind, but I can’t see myself having two full hands of shit to stick in this little thing often enough to warrant the premium.
A voice activated lid on a dumpster I can get behind, but I can’t see myself having two full hands of shit to stick…
I also liked how it looked cobbled together on a desk despite being extremely well thought out.
I read that as Joseph Gobbles due in no small part to the turkey neck directly next to the name.
Audiophiles are some of the most anti-science goofballs out there.
The plea for vegan pizza was oddly the least offensive part of that letter.
for vegans
RIP to both.
Plant fats do not contain cholesterol and in all but very few cases have less saturated fat content.
Also curious as to which laws are being broken.