
When I first saw Ledger as the joker, I thought it was completely bad ass.

All of me Wants all of You kicks me hard. What a gorgeous, gorgeous song.

Sorry. Guy. phones dammit.

I bet this giy would really dig on some Miles Davis.

This, coming for a guy that enjoys "Shiny Happy People". So there's that.

While going up, my mother played this constantly. I know every. single. word of it. I loved it then, I love it now. Not that it matters, but I'm agnostic.

Chicago the 25th. Bitching seats. Woop.


That shot for this review is just gorgeous

Lap of the Gods people.

The only thing Cheap Trick did that holds up is the debut self titled release. And it holds up like a motherfucker. Every single note of it.


Well good for him gettin the work.

Saw it this weekend and loved it. Underrated.

The Carrie Diaries???


Where is the Best of List???

I swear you can't make this shit up.

Lol. Yes, that's what I meant. Thank you. : )

Can somebody put the kobash on this?