
I understand your point but don't really agree with it. I'm more of the thought it was mostly about the unraveling of the main character. I loved everything about it.

God damn, enjoyed every second of this movie.

Saw Birdman. It should be nominated for pretty much everything.
"B" my ass.

Good for him.

He looked pissed off. : )

I have an autographed copy of White Blood Cells signed by both Meg White and her brother.

He cant wear the cheese hat because he's from Chicago, but he can wear a Green Bay jersey? Im not even a sports fan and I know that's fucked up.

Jack White. Even as his output grows more and more bland with each new release, I still listen to see what he's up to. It's all so disappointing sometimes but I can't look away. Im sure there is some sort of psychological diagnosis for putting myself through this.

I've always liked Adore. "Shame" alone is worth the price of admittion. Recorded live in studio in a single take. It is gorgeous.

Oh, I'm sorry you're unhappy with it. I think I just miss Mr. Greenwood.

But like my friend Paulie says, "If you ain't bein pretentious, you ain't trying hard enough. "

Would it really fucking kill him to just release an album through the regular "gatekeepers"? I understand that it's his prerogative as an artist, blah blah blah and maybe im not his audience, blah blah blah. There. I know I irritated you.

She sang the shit out of that song.

I can't reply to this question without further irritating you.

Why does everyone have to be a pretentious asshole these days.

Vince Vaughn's face is a big flat circle of blandness.

Vince Vaughn is a non fucking starter.

I knew they would fuck this up.

Thank you baby jezus for not being Vince Vaughn.

Man they were the shit in the seventies.