
I love the disco band they have become.

Perfectly put.

I really respect him too but he writes really crappy songs.

Jack White cracks a joke and this shit blows up? Ya'll are fucking bored or somethin'.

Yup. Vince Vaughn is a non starter for me. I fucking hate him.

They are going to fuck this up, aren't they.

My personal favorite, Sheer Heart Attack. But JAZZ, people. C'mon!

She didn't look to happy whenever they panned to her I noticed.

People needs to watch Secretary. That is all.

Fancy is the most obnoxious shit I've ever heard.

I wish I could rep this again.

One of my favorite albums of all time. Ranks in the top 5 for sure.

Bat Black Licorice reminds me of some old Capt Beef Heart stuff.

I love Jack White but feel sorely disappointed after 3 listens. Back to the Little Room my man. Still glad to be seeing him come the end of July. After that, I pretty much give up.

I don't get why an apology is needed here.

Totally with you on the "blouse" use. She would wear a blouse, not a shirt. That line kills me.

I will always remember the first time I heard this song. Was doing stuff in the kitchen and ended up crying like a fucking two year old.

Are you fucking kidding me. Fuck him.

I remember people talking endlessly about his turn around when it was relevant discussion. Its been a few years since then though.

Isn't everything derivative at this point? Please don't wreck this for me. 😮