
Micheal Pitt is in this show? Hello.

Patience with the original post.

You have much more patience than I do.

Kill Bill. You want women? Now theres some women!

I sort of agree, but I think its also odd to write these "clues" into a script and then scratch your head when viewers start to follow them.

And google true detective magazine for images - pretty funny.

I guess when I tuned in for the very first time to a new show airing on HBO called True Detective, I sorta knew what I was signing up for. When I saw the previews last fall and the name of the show, right away I thought of those old pulp magazines from the 40's and 50's. Not to say that I'm old enough to remember them

And next season stars Rainn Wilson - pissing himself during blackouts. I'm in.


Because he is a TRUE DETECTIVE. Pulp. It's a beautiful thing.

It truely is.

You are so weird. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

had to wait 2 weeks due to the superbowl once.

I'll be interested to read your thoughts on this one.

Only part way off due to fact its the same 8 or 10 guys lobbing stuff back and forth. Does that count?

I think this recap is pretty much on the money. Enjoyed the hell out of it nonetheless.
I was hoping these two crazy kids would reunite.


I knew they would get together again for drinks and chit chat.