Right. That's what's been bugging me.
Right. That's what's been bugging me.
Seems more likely. I can't decide.
Why did Rust lose his shit and start pounding the guy "in the box" when he started to say he knew who the Yellow King was? Was it to get him to shut up so that the po po watching the interview wouldn't hear any details?
I'm also going to be missing the interogation room scenes. When Rust rose to leave I said, "nooooo" lolz
I agree. I think too much has been made out of that.
I've not read all the threads here but have read my fair share and I don't recall anyone having your take on that scene. I know I didn't see it that way and find your reaction really really interesting. I suppose Rust could have know him from his undercover days in narco - but that doesn't explain much.
Great post.
I want to know why Rust hasn't been hallucinating lately. I'm missing that.
Here it is.
Why you wanna down vote my post son?
They are a sight to behold.
Miles is stuck in my head for some reason. I used to know a late stage alcoholic named Miles.
I'm not nearly as thoughtful as you, Fitzoid. But I figured the current poster numbers would level off and the slack would be picked up by newer folks playing catch up. I felt concerned though that I left too wide a gap in my numbers as I was on my first cup of coffee when I posted em.
Um, lets see…
Over 1925 - Under 2001
Some folks didn't care for the biker heavy episode, but I was kinda hoping to meet "Miles". I wonder if he could turn up later.
What did Lange say that was deliberately false. And multi viewing, yes sir.
"These things dont happen in a vaccum, Marty. "
That's sort of the problem I have with who is the killer meme. Theres more than one killers and has been ongoing for years.
I just checked and there appears to be a glut of em now. Should drive the prices down. Heh.