
All nocturnal emissions must be preserved, too. All men will need to wear special “collection diapers” while sleeping so that no sperm are lost.

“Ejaculation is only okay if it’s for procreation.”

I’ll remember to shed a single tear. You gotta start somewhere.


Yeah, I have, and at the time thought it was just a joke. Then I saw clips of him declaring what executive orders he was signing as he signed them.

Rumor has it, he is almost illiterate. No, I am not joking. He is borderline illiterate. Unfortunately, he also refuses to admit that he has any flaws. So, instead of working on becoming literate, he acts like he knows everything and if you question him, he bites your head off.

I think people write speeches for him but he always goes off-script. He’s known for it. At the Black History Month breakfast, he had notes in front of him - that’s where he seems to have gotten Frederick Douglass’s name; he obviously didn’t know who Douglass was at all, so it didn’t come out of his head! - but he was

No he cannot read. Not at an adult level.

what the hell Aussie ever do to us?

lol @ the people who are all “I thought he’d be more presidential after he’d won.” or “I didn’t actually think he’d do those terrible things he said he was going to do!”

There are Christians in America. The problem is they are drowned out by Christians who confuse Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich as the Gospel with the actual Bible.


It’s almost like the ‘conservative Christians’ in this country care far more about paying lip service to the values they espouse then actually having a President who lives up to them. Kind of like how they also go on and on about the ‘sanctity of life’ right up until that fetus pops out...

So the destruction of the first amendment is Its goal?

That God didn’t smite him with a righteous lightening bolt, right there on that stage, is proof enough that he doesn’t exist. Well, that, and Evangelicals supporting him after he’s made a mockery of literally everything they claim to hold dear.

ohh yeah but Obama has always been so respectful and went to church so many times and people still called him a “secret Muslim.” Black people just can’t fuckin win no matter what they do. Fuck Trump and fuck all of the Trumpers.

Hey, Donnie, why dont you use this prayer breakfast to reflect on Exodus 22:21

Can you imagine if Obama had done anything even remotely so disrespectful to religious people? But I’ll bet Donald gets a pass.