Wheel Of Fish

This is why big events are good for the gaming community. We’re sat here talking about a tech demo like it’s of the greatest interest, when we should be talking about McLarens being lowered from the rafters or executives excitingly proclaiming that what we’re seeing is Ridge Racer to thunderous silence.

guaranteeing an income w/o any guaranteed work is just un American.

this is socialism at best and communism at worst.

The free enterprise ship sailed a long time ago. America now bails out companies. I’m not sure UBI is the answer, but if the option is between corporations and people. At least the people will put the money back into the economy. 

To be fair, SAC and 2nd Gig are among the best anime series’ ever produced so the bar was exceptionally high. It’s disappointing, but sadly, not unexpected. 

Trump is flailing.

I resent the sports fees every time I look at my bill. I don’t watch sports. I don’t need one sports channel much less what appear to be dozens. But the sports fee and those remain and I have no way of removing the service. It’s all mandatory and there’s the rub.

It is for foreign dictators where the Trump Organization has businesses, or plans to.

It is for Israel.

You forgot the previous administration too because they “broke everything.”

Shocking.  Company in a capitalist economy does what is best for it’s shareholders.  News at 10.  In other news, the sky is blue.

Well, lives of Americans in states that are Trump friendly, at least.

Merkel probably planned it with Hillary, Pelosi, the Squad, and Gretchen Whitmer. It’s probably witchcraft straight out of the Black Forest! It’s evil devil women trying to bring down a good Christian man! It’s the Hexenreich that Hanzel und Gretyl warned us about!

In case anyone forgets after his next spew...

Indeed! The feigned outrage is just glorious to behold,  “How dare you put your profits ahead of making me look good? Er, I mean saving American lives!”

The old 2+2=purple.

Sooooo, unbridled, unrestrained, unregulated capitalism is good unless it makes Trump look bad?

I just woke up and had to invoke P too.

I fully expect him to spew out that this “Chinese Virus” thing is a world-wide, highly coordinated conspiracy to make him look bad at one of his daily briefings/onanistic ego stroke/excuse/blame deflection sessions. My bet’s on Angela Merkle’s name to be bandied about as the major suspect.