Wheel Of Fish

Reader: “I can’t choose between cargo space and horsepower! What car should I buy?”

Control was one of the highlights of that E3 for me, and I’m really excited for it to come out. Trippy, experimental, fabric of reality sort of stuff like this is right up my alley, and I’m glad it sounds like they’re delivering on this.

My only conceren here is I think the writer for BL2 left awhile back? And to me, what made BL2 stand out was it’s humor.

Just rent a Home Depot truck when you actually need to haul stuff.

Pretty tame for Florida, especially Miami. If he was snorting coke off the dash while shooting an AK47 out the window and had his pet alligator on the roof, then that might be a newsworthy Florida story.

What’s the industry average?  These numbers are kinda meaningless without some more context.  Be nice to know the numbers for the fastest selling cars too.

Dear Claire,

Protip: If you’re dehydrated 24/7, your hands generally don’t produce enough body oils to leave visible fingerprints. It also keeps your leather steering wheel from getting shiny. Besides the odd emergency room visit from passing out, I highly recommend it.

Citation needed

In hindsight it’s pretty clear that Trump’s 2015 “I like people who don’t get caught” comment about McCain was a watershed moment for the GOP. Until that point, Trump had of course said a lot of horrible and stupid things, but he hadn’t really attacked and disgraced anything that the GOP held as absolute sacrosanct.

She was right in a way, I didn’t like the answer. Mostly in that I’m now angry that Finns pay barely anything for great healthcare, while I’m paying out of my asshole for...let’s say adequate health care.

Oh god, the Wait Time sermons. As opposed to the mighty USA, where my mother has to schedule appointments with her specialist... a year in advance.

You forgot “more inexpensive overall for society.”

Same reason that free college scares them. No one complains about the “free” education we get through HS, because a HS diploma really doesn’t get you very far these days. But add on those extra 4 years, which might allow the poors to have a chance, and everyone goes nuts because that financial advantage might be taken

The argument I used to hear when I worked with the wealthy out-of-touch Republicans at my last job was the wait times! You’ll have to wait so long! Because more people are getting care when they should clearly go without so I can see my doctor earlier.

She followed up with: “Health care costs are too high that is true but comparing us to Finland is ridiculous. Ask them how their health care is. You won’t like the answer.”

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

But but but...if we had some commie pinko European socialist healthcare here we’d have to wait MONTHS just to get in to see a doctor!