Wheel Of Fish

Wow, finally some good EA news.

The real story is wages have been flat for well over a decade. Housing, healthcare, transportation, education have all gone up faster than inflation in the past 10-20 years, but minimum wage has been $7.25 for a decade. Even with record-low unemployment, employers loathe to raise wages. They’d rather leave work on the

the solution to keep payments down is simple...get a cheaper car.

I mean, no internet, no problem then? 

I’m from belgium. The accident had nothing to do with automatic systems. The guy driving just never drove an automatic before and used his left foot to push the clutch in to go into second gear. But what does the left pedal do in an automatic when pushed all the way in? That’s right, it makes cyclist crash into you!

Or if no involuntary “Woooo!” is heard, the system could gently start closing the sunroof until you get a voluntary “Woooo!” or “Oooow!”

“You like pizza! You eat spaghetti! EVEN KETCHUP!”

Being a Russian ship, I expect we’ll have dash cam footage soon.

The opposite side of having HOAs is having David Tracy as your neighbor.

talk to me more about the rigidity

whoa whoa whoa, can we get an NSFW tag for all the naked coque we’re seeing here?

Yeah airplanes are renowned for their ability to never be affected by weather...

Plenty of planes get delayed for weather that is no problem for a train.

Your fad diet is stupid and you’re a sucker.

That reminds me of this time I was doing Crossfit in law school... 

And you'll tell anyone you can about it any chance you get.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone bring up Borderlands, and while Borderland is infamous for it’s random loot (“A BAZILLION GUNS!!”), it was just a gimmick in an otherwise (mechanically) generic shooter.

Jokes on them.   The US didn’t lose a single F-35 during the Vietnam war. 

Of course. Same management.