Wheel Of Fish

I thought the same thing. The ion cannon thing, all the other upgrades, it’s like they’ve deliberately made it easier to screw other people over with each update.

Valk Mercy sucks, they should have never given her invuln with mass rez ult, and they should have never reworked her to Valk after that blunder.

I had a group of up to 5 or 6 friends I played with. We all gave up towards the end of 2016.

My solution over a year ago was to give up on the game. The economy is broken, people grief, and there’s this problem.

I played Killzone Shadow Fall, it was ... ok

As awful as The Order supposedly was, I’d probably try it out if it was given to us. Basically 0 interest in Knack.

I can respect that, it did seem like it needed a little more time and more content to really get its hooks in you, assuming it will.

I really wish I enjoyed the beta more, because it sure sounds like fun and at least one of my friends that got it loves it (although he’s a fan of the series as well). I don’t need to spend $60 on another game that I don’t know that I’ll get in to right now, I’d like to get through a year without that happening for

No wailing V10, no care.

I felt the same about it, it just didn’t feel very good to me in the beta I played a little while back.

Interesting question, I was discussing that with a friend yesterday. He’s a huge cinephile, and I’m more the gamer of the two of us.

I had been wondering about this kind of thing a month or so ago when I was looking in to some models. I saw some with batteries built in and i thought “gee, it’ll work if the power goes out” but I also wondered what happened if the connection goes down, etc.

Never played any of them, been wondering if it’s worth checking out when it comes to Switch.

That was my working theory. Someone could have spilled a bit of their load of gravel but if you’re going to screw up an offramp and kick gravel back on to it, that one was perfect for it.

Yep, I approach on/offramps very carefully in inclement weather.

Are we really saying Amazon offers the best deal and then comparing it to a muuuuuch smaller & different sort of device?

I would have been 4 at the time, definitely didn’t see it in theaters. Had to watch it on my own years later.

I’d buy that for a dollar!

I enjoyed it, not amazing, but I enjoyed it. In fact, it’s one of the few Edgar Wright movies I’ve mostly enjoyed.

Even though I’ve seen the trailer for Oceans 8 my reaction is still “who?” And “Is there also a Dasanee?”