For the record, I think you’re the first person in the history of the Internet to respond in such a way after opening with an opposing perspective. Maybe you deserve an award or something...
For the record, I think you’re the first person in the history of the Internet to respond in such a way after opening with an opposing perspective. Maybe you deserve an award or something...
I dunno... guys in general are gross, and bidets haven’t yet caught on in America.
I think going with the sort-of Japanese elements in Star Wars, they’re going more for samurai topknot than hipster man bun.
Han Solo played by Jeff Bridges?
I’m with you buddy. Was just talking about guys in general, who usually rely on mom or girlfriends or wives to feed/clothe/take care of home stuff.
The best part is where you start with, “are you an imbecile?”
That’s the worst. It’s like... I hate it when people talk to me about things that happen.
You think he’s a hipster? Damn you’re far gone.
Admittedly, it’s kind of funny the amount of blind faith Pink Shirt Guy had in Volvo. Hands in his pockets and everything. He probably thought he’d look cool as a cucumber...
Based on your initial comment it sounded as though you wondered if dick-squashing was only possible in the nude, and so I brought up the idea that the same is possible when wearing boxers. And if you know that this already happens with boxers, not sure why you’d have to ask the question about ‘what happens when nude’.…
Haha yeah, the norm in America is for guys to barely wipe their asses and leave so-called “skidmarks” in their underwear. Gross.
You know what’s natural and normal? Shit particles in your crack.
Are you assuming a post-boxer short existence already? Briefs will keep your dick in place, but boxers obviously won’t.
Most guys don’t wash their sheets weekly, which is probably the root of the issue. At least with underwear, there’s no risk of smearing whatever’s in your ass crack all over your sheets, and your pubes are somewhat contained.
Oh. Derpy derp...
Just want to remind you that humor and seriousness can coexist. Also, these kids’ humor undermines the seriousness of Trump’s campaign and his supporters. See: The Daily Show.
“These children are so inspiring”? Pretty sure their parents just handed those signs to them and told them to hold it up for an hour or else. Kids have no concept of what a “Trump World” is or even what racism really is. Nice to see that the family’s got good ideals, though...
If you look carefully at the front wheels, it doesn’t look like the driver actually over-corrected much. The back wheels just all of a sudden seemed to be skating on ice. Pretty weird—I’m sure I couldn’t do that with my car if I tried.