
Huh I guess only white men commit rapes. Who knew.

Just get rid of kickoffs.

I think he’s hitting more like La Rochefoucauld

I’m quite impressed at the presence of mind to stay with the ball and call timeout immediately. Would have been easy/understandable to assume the game was over at that point.

Fair take. I don’t endorse her views either. I thought the sudden change in tone was neat though (and I like to think Chris Rock engineered it)

I want to think, in some way, that was the meta-commentary in this move — Chris Rock turning the joke around on the people who claim they’re all for diversity in Hollywood without actually thinking about what that means.

Ah, well that’s an unimpeachable argument. If only all those black voters in South Carolina read your illuminating post before going to the polls in the primary. But it’s okay — you did everything you could.

True, and if they’re willing to physically attack BLM people at their rallies, imagine how unwilling Republicans in congress will be to pass any pro-minority rights legislation.

Well... I did say Democrats. Helpful of you to pull a partial parenthetical and characterize that as my statement.

Yeah, this is a solid point, and it’s been echoed subsequently in this thread. Looking at it this way there is certainly motivation to go after Democrats, who assume out-of-hand that they have the black vote. So if they’re going to take the black vote for granted, they should be expected to hear their grievances. As

Sorry, stopped reading after that first sentence.

The politician thing seems like a straw man: I don’t see people objecting to interrupting politicians per se, it’s just difficult to understand why BLM activists seem to exclusively target Democratic politicians (Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton) — i.e. the people who already want to help them — as opposed to

Yay! Generic internet person!

> ...the Bushes bathed the Middle East in blood to preserve their wealth...

Ah, my mistake. I misread.

But... is this actually catching up with him? As you state in your closing paragraph, still nobody seems to care. Or maybe the headline was sarcastic and I just didn’t get it.

Dude, don’t try to bring economic theory into this. Blogger says capitalism bad. Blogger is brilliant scientist. Blogger right, you wrong.

This is absolutely correct. It appears to be the case, at least in sports broadcasting, that being very attractive is a necessary requirement for a women in front of the camera, even to the point where talent is not valued as highly.

Since the beginning of this election season Jim Webb kept reminding me of “generic 24 President”

You can insist this all day. It simply is not true.