
The space shuttle was a silly waste of time and money.

Let’s follow up going to another planet with never leaving Low Earth Orbit!

You’re welcome!

And made a last-last-ditch effort to systematically remove every trace of their existence because....? Seriously, if a society has the ability to terraform a planet, why wouldn’t they just terraform their own planet to keep it livable?

How would this supergeologist get to the northern plains, the viking landing sites, the MER locations and MSL’s mission route and study them all over the years in 20 minutes, while checking out the atmosphere and doing some interesting astronomy? This is especially interesting considering this same supergeologist

The rabid defence of the utterly unscientific hypothetical imperative couched in MAN MUST COLONIZE MARS is fascinating to me.

It also shows us how much money we waste on crap that doesn’t advance the human race. I’m looking at your War on Terror and Drugs.

Precisely, and I especially agree with the thing about positioning oneself as part of the victimized. So much of this attitude seems to stem from a desperate desire to be one of the oppressed, despite a background of relative privilege. Solipsism is a part of being young, but there seems to be no counterbalance to

It’s a byproduct of our wonderful new victim culture, embraced by the equally wonderful millennials.

I find there’s a real thing among millennials for these finger-pointing diatribes, always addressed to some “you” so that when you read them you automatically start to feel accused and resentful. Social media seems to have created an insufferably self-righteous generation of people desperately keen for something to

How about instead of focusing on the gun we stop hating so much?

What the fuck? So they just want to dump a bunch of litter on the moon for no reason at all, other than to see if they can get a crowd-funded source to finance it? No research purposes? No data gathering? Just crash some shit on the moon for fun.

Wait a minute. The DoD is engaged, constantly, in active recruitment drives to meet its quotas. They advertise on TV, put out video games, and the NFL has negotiated with them to show their “brand” on one of the most visible media platforms out there - the opening of an NFL game.

Looking back, we were incredibly lucky that none of us got seriously hurt during pledging. But I can say, with a sound mind and clear conscience, that the overall experience was a lot of fun.

Liquid water. LOL