
But it's not interesting or awesome.

Why? He did immeasurable harm to the U.S. He committed treason. He should be executed.

Am I the only one who thought the acting was just horrible, and the fight scenes/choreography was hilariously bad???


the state of Colorado must first grant the hotel $11.5 million from its tourism funds to help with the construction of the facility

I found everything but the main point of the story to be weak. In both episodes the baddie monsters were a means to an end and not really very fully realized—in the second episode even more so. But I have to agree about the memory thing being clever. I hadn’t thought of that before, but it makes perfect sense. So, we

I don’t watch Game of Thrones, so I had no preconceptions about Maisie. Personally, I didn’t find her convincing in this role. Not sure if it was her or if it was the writing. She seems to have some acting chops, but this character wasn’t doing it for me.

I know this will be a terribly unpopular minority opinion, but I really thought this episode (and the preceding one) was boring. I think it is part of a bigger issue for me with DW, which is I’m starting to feel that I have seen it all before with this show. Every issue, every emotional battle and revelation for the

My biggest problem was Lady Me repeating the same Mantra over & over in different words... all your fault Doctor, you did this to me , yada yada yada... It was like all those different Dalek episodes that replay a similar riff over & over about the Doctor creating, making worse the Daleks. If they would have distilled

I’m so confused. Every reviewer seems to adore this - Io9, IGN, Radio Times, etc., but I hated it!

Every point was laboured for ten minutes, the comedy was terrible (the fight in the woods, the ‘gallows humour’, the comedy double act soldiers), the lion was awful, everything was so convenient - luckily the lion folks

I mean if it wasn’t Maisie Williams would ya’ll really think it was as good? I mean come on be honest with yourselves? I mean I’m one of the biggest Maisie fans and she is a phenomenal actress but that doesn’t excuse her being in a bad episode. If you remove her from the episode and the really funny hangman jokes what

Yes, character is important, but so is plot, and while the character development has been outstanding in recent “Who”, it all too often gets sacrificed on the altar of bad plot and awful ideas. Exhibit “A” was tonight’s villain (I guess we can call it one...although we know practically nothing about it) alien lion

The only moment that nearly caused me to hate it was the ‘Doctor you were right, I do care’ stuff. Thankfully though they didn’t hang onto it and moved onto some much better stuff such as surrounding yourself with decent people to avoid becoming a complete cynical bastard (something I do in my life).

With THE FINAL FRONTIER being the bottom of the barrel?

I’m so disappointed that I dismissed Enterprise early on (like, midway through the pilot) and didn’t revisit until a decade later - it turned out to be one of the best of the series.