
You can't be this dumb.

And much of gawker media leads the charge.

WTF are you talking about? Amazon is Gms largest marketing partner, Denton brags about how much he makes off this. It’s the sites largest income producer.

WTF are you talking about? Amazon is Gms largest marketing partner, Denton brags about how much he makes off this.

I know what it is. The authors was an anecdotal sexist, racist comment.

How much of those purchases does gawker media get?

How much of those purchases does gawker media get?

Why was it even necessary to include that? The author doesn’t notice as many women or blacks at a whiskey festival, so he decides to imply a back handed racist and sexist comment disparaging the entire event?

I wasn’t asking you.

I think the main objection will be about James being a hypocrite.

Dude, if gawker media didn’t have fresh targets to hate everyday, it will lose clicks, money and notoriety.

James comment was “there’s no room for guns”.

I’m sure there were background checks, James isn’t going to hire hood rats as personal bodyguards.

I’d like to know if any of his bodyguards are black ex cons down on their luck out of prison or at risk youth and adults who need a second chance.

No, because what James said was unless a person is a celebrity and fabulously wealthy enough to hire personal 24/7 bodyguards who carry guns to protect them from crazy people, those people shouldn’t be allowed to protect themselves...because they are little people and don’t deserve it.

Yes, I'm sure James body guards are carrying whoopee cushions.

Why was this “event” reposted?

I don't get it either. The DOD has a marketing budget for recruitment, they'll just spend it on something else.

Then crowdfund it and go on your own dime.

Oh ya, I forgot. We need a new planet to go to because climate change.

So, it pretty much looks like the moon...