
Everyone's entitled to their opinion (I thought the episode was an A if it was anything) but it continues to annoy that mainstream reviewers persist in ignoring Mark Gatiss's creative input. This episode was written by Gatiss and yet the reviewer only mentions him in a snide mention of his acting (not withstanding

Great.  Does this mean we get Gina Bellman back?  The Coupling reunion is well overdue.  Or a Doctor Who cameo.  Either all.

Great.  Does this mean we get Gina Bellman back?  The Coupling reunion is well overdue.  Or a Doctor Who cameo.  Either all.

Edgar: All right, this is Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Sexually Speaking. Hello, you are on the air. 
Edgar: Hi. It's me again. 
Dr. Ruth Westheimer: Oh, hello Me! I was wondering if you would call. What's on your mind? 
Edgar: Well, Doctor, it's really the same question: I want to know what love is. 
Dr. Ruth Westheimer: Didn't