Oh, man, when you wrote “10,000 Dresses,” I was thinking of “The Hundred Dresses,” and I was VERY confused, and thought I maybe totally missed the subtext about a gender non-conforming child in a children’s book written in 1944.
Oh, man, when you wrote “10,000 Dresses,” I was thinking of “The Hundred Dresses,” and I was VERY confused, and thought I maybe totally missed the subtext about a gender non-conforming child in a children’s book written in 1944.
There’s a link at http://www.desiquintans.com/oldblog/231 to Vasily Grossman’s account of Treblinka, written in 1944, one of the very first accounts of a death camp. Grossman was a journalist with the Soviet army when the remains of Treblinka were discovered. For strong stomachs only, especially for the detailed…
The most positive response to his death was something along the lines of “I hope you find the peace and salvation that you denied so many in life”.
My cat punched me in the eye once. Without claws. So for like a month, I had 1/3 of a normal-sized black eye going on, and had to tell everyone I was punched by a cat.
I don’t remember why we were learning about what different religions believed in health/gym class when I was in 7th grade but our teacher (who had her doctorate) gave us a handout that said “Hindus believe that the Earth rests on the trunk of an elephant standing on the back of a turtle”.
Wait hold up. I know the Brooklyn comments are silly but, um, worse than Chet Haze? Worse than Charlie Sheen?!
You’re fired too!
If that’s the case, they should hire Rachel Dolezal as a consultant.
I was in my kindergarten production of the Nativity, and got a five-dollar bill from my grandpa.
Spacecamp deserves so much more love. It’s inexplicably fantastic.
My reasoning here is that Kris Jenner would not be caught dead in that clothing, I mean the whole stripe dissonance alone is giving me a headache and I am wearing the same leggings I wore yesterday. I feel like Kris would fire her entire staff if that came within 30 feet of her
tom brady, fancy dog, cannot have coffee because the caffeine would make his dog heart explode.
Are these cute? I don’t know.
Eating the ends and the sides of chocolate off before eating the full bar is just common sense. Skip steps 4 and 5 though, that’s madness.
@LaComtesse: But this doesn't even have to be cynicism. Many people who advocate for alternative medicine have convinced themselves that doctors don't care about their patients. Hold them in active disdain, even. In their minds, doctors are greedy butchers and whores who poison our children and carve up our bodies…