
Like when Trump announced he had some REALLY BIG ANNOUNCEMENT about President Obama’s birth certificate....after he hired a TEAM of P.I.’s to “get the dirt” on him......

#3 or 4?......Anybody else running for POTUS with his *TAW* policy: “Beauty fade.....Time to trade” and the morally righteous, bible thumping, sanctimonious Christian Taliban would be shxxitting out billy goat & buffalo DNA mixed, test tube babies.

....150 years ago “WE” fought a war... “WE” as you and your co-signers —(if you have any)—didn’t do shit....unless you’re some 151+year old decrepit, ignorant racist that time and death forgot....

See the similarity in Drumf supporters....Was Personal attacts 101: How to respond as disrespectful and childishly as possible to any critique, personal or not.....