Here’s another great one:
Here’s another great one:
I kept looking for the “(sic),” but it did not come.
You won’t regret it and they’re really cheap and stick on with really strong velcro. I highly recommend it. :)
Oh good. Take care of yourself. That sounds scary as hell to just wake up and not know what happened.
Holy crap - I hope you’re ok now. Did they find out what caused it?
It really does calm your mind a bit to look around and see neatness and to know that you accomplished that with your work as well. It’s weird how that works.
I haven’t spoken to mine in 4 years for the same reason. Solidarity. :)
I’ve never heard of it - this is great. I could probably use this too. Thanks for the tip. :)
Thanks. :)
What mscoffee said, plus do a little research on the company and prepare a couple of questions for them that you’re curious about. HR people love that.
I usually keep my body in moving in some kind of way when I feel like that. I either exercise or clean out a closet I’ve been meaning to clean, or something else like that. It usually feels good and productive and also calms the cranky.
Aww, that’s awesome - may he continue on the path to health and may you not even slightly feel like crying at work. :)
I’ve been on it for almost 2 years now and I’ve only had to go off of it once before because of bleeding, so it’s not too bad. I just can’t wait to be done with the bleeding so I can go back on it and get my even keel back.
That’s a great idea. And I shall! :)
I got my cat a little window seat and put a bird feeder outside the window so she can have a great old time. She took to it immediately (which I was worried she wouldn’t) and now she sits on it watching birds while I walk on the treadmill and that makes me happy.
Sending you all the hugs in the world.
True. I need to remind myself of that stuff. Thanks. :) I’ve been redecorating a bit, sort of reclaiming the house as a therapeutic thing and it works usually.
Getting ready to drink some lovely Bota Box Malbec.
I know! And no consideration for what the kid would go through having to live a life with that name. Ugh. I sincerely hope it was just a bad joke.
As someone who once owned a goldfish named “Cracker,” I concur.