I Feed on Frenzy

Here here

They made Killer Instinct look like it was previously a brightly colored TV show for children. Terrible choice in color palette. Looks cartoon-ish.

It fired right up for me. In any case, probably wouldn't stick with it for long. I miss the classic version. But that's probably just me.

Eww. Papyrus! Two seconds into a trailer and I already want to throw up. The fools.

They were probably thinking that they didn't want to pay for the likeness, especially that of a racist one.

You have the writing skills of a whiney, pre-pubescent, autistic child. Regurgitating the comments of social media doesn't make you a proper journalist or even a good/decent blog contributor.

Looks like a Genzoman and I'm sure it is. Is everyone going to rip shit off Google images and not give any credit to anyone?

I have had to refrain from buying anything this round. Mostly because of the very same issues, too many never-played or never-finished games. Because of some of the massive modding communities, it seems that some of my older experiences have no end in sight and will continue to provide countless hours of enjoyment


Yes, great compilation. I'll give him that. But does everything sombre here in the West need to be coupled with J. Cash's version of "Hurt"?

Last thing Leno says: "I dunno..."

Obviously, you don't have to. Conan is an entertainer and not a movie critic. We know this much, he knows this much.

I guess for those tough "levels" you can just strap on a pair of good ole' Depends. and let loose.

What about the... you know... emergencies? A rectum can only stay shut for so long...

Enjoyable! A title that sounds definitely worth trying! Thanks.

Hungry Girl! Gotta be, what with the cocktail and all and the missing flesh around the torso.

She seems to be CRYING tears of butter. Delicious, buttery, regretful tears...

Trying being raised Baptist. "Sex! Nonsense! Babies come from Jesus! Your penis is an extension of the Devil!"

It might be also advisable that they do not attempt to have kids anyway.