
It’s a bogus argument that it’s a pain to get a fingerprint background check.

Oh yeah, Lee. Derp.

I’d say Leffingwell is doing effing well.

When I bring up the $8 million figure, I’m bringing up how absurd it looks. It’s hard for these companies to make their case that this is an anti-business, anti-competition measure when they’ve spent SO much money. If they’re worried about the new regs’ impact on their bottom line, they should be more careful with

The irony I took away: 16/hr is more than many uber/lyft drivers make here in Austin.

Was at Halcyon the other day and a guy was offering 16/HR for uber prop 1 callcenter jobs. Clearly they’re going apeshit here. One week left. (Pun?)

I live at The Domain and have gotten at least 7 or 8 flyers in the mail this week and a text message from “Eric at Uber” asking for my support in the early vote yesterday.

High five for the Aggie joke.

I live in Austin and Uber’s app keeps reminding me to go vote. I wish there was a option to tell them I’ve already voted against their proposition so it will stop pestering me.

Ride-hailing companies? I wish that you’d call them what they are—illegal taxi services.

Where in Austin do you live? We live in Brentwood, not far from downtown by any means, and haven’t received any of the aforementioned flyers, calls, texts, etc. That said, I’m pretty disgusted by all the misrepresentations and misinformation and will be voting against Prop. 1. Additionally, Uber and Lyft’s threats to

Meanwhile, Hillary shakes her head sadly with a slight bemused smile on her face.

Hmm am I alone in thinking that while model UN is cool (hey I have a B.A. in International Relations) but it's not a qualification I would ever use to obtain, let alone justify, advising someone on foreign policy for a living. This is the kind of thing that left my resume about a year after I graduated.

Donald Trump’s newly proposed alliance in his foreign policy platform:

Pictured below: Crash course for Trump policy advisors.

After saving the world from that Canadian cult, I say you can live out the rest of your days any way you wish!

And here is our mascot.

True. I have a few noticeable measles scars on my face and body I show to people who pull the "dangers of vaccination" card. (My mother was a very anti-vaxx sort because she once had a bad reaction when she was eight years old; later she concentrated her efforts on the horrors of fluoridation.)

“Vaccines aren’t 100% safe”

And for me to get so upset here, on the Today show, with you guys, means there’s something there.