
Actually, this isn’t “politics as usual”...I’ve lived through a few Austin elections, and I’ve never seen anything remotely like this before.

You’re welcome. Baxley is one of the few white politicians in Alabama who fought against KKK terrorists (and those who protected them). When I was growing up in Alabama, the people who vilified him were invariably vicious racists themselves, so I’m glad to see this was just a misunderstanding.

In Alabama, the Lieutenant Governor and the Governor do not run together on the same ticket. Way to disparage Baxley’s success in convicting the KKK member who murdered four little girls (and firebombed numerous black families’ homes).

“Over 50%”?

Nah, too many smug elitists already do it for free.

She put in tons of unpaid hours in the fight for universal health coverage. When conservatives blocked that, worked to help create CHIP so that at least more low-income parents could get health insurance for their kids. Funny how little credit she gets for that.

Not saying you have to support her because she’s a woman, but so many of the “faults” listed against her are couched in language that reinforces the double standard all working women face. Ambition is treated as a positive trait in men, but a character flaw in women. Self-confidence is derided as “ego”.

To me, this line of criticism sounds just another of the neverending reasons given for rejecting female job candidates... either she’s “too agressive” or she “seems timid”.... “lacks experience” or “too old”...

Maybe the actual solution is for women AND men on the left to get in the trenches and fight for women’s rights as a fundamental issue, rather than constantly putting other priorities first.