
On one hand, interesting.

@mytdawg: Agreed. Though on the other, other side of the fence, killing a man with your bare hands over a hockey game is a much manlier pursuit than getting half nude, putting on body paint, a wig, and a feather boa, then belly-bumping similarly dressed fellow-fan.

@CptSevere: The difference being that Paris is MUCH more densely populated than Tombstone, so you'd have way more people laughing at you.

Greater Brittany scares me more than the US lately.

@#c15828032: Stop hanging around with fat men, and get a lovely french woman into your life.

@Alfisted: Currently looking to pick one up, as it will deal with the baby seats better than the RX-7.

@wyatt_1st: Don't worry, you're not the only one.

WOW! This is some kind of crazy car-news day. Yeah, the car looks goofy outside, but how special is the driver interface?

@engineerd: Don't confuse the MR-2 and the MR-S. Different cars to be sure.

@YankBoffin: And here I was looking forward to a heavier/slower version.

Worth it for the steeringwheel/IP alone. The crinkle-nosed grumpy frenchman face is just icing on the cake that's on some more icing on another, more delicious cake.

I see a lot of Mazda design language in the front and sides. Specifically the Kabura. Not that its a bad thing. I really liked that concept. It's actually consistent with Toyota's philosophy that they would take an edgy design, bland it up a bit, and make it appeal to the masses.

@ciscokidinsf: Eventually, these hit the auction block. Then you too can have the cop motor, cop brakes, cop suspension, and cop tires. Trust me, those pieces make it much easier to stick it to the Illinois Nazis.

Sweet, so now when my friendly neighbourhood OPP office is tailgating me on the 401, he'll be frantically pushing buttons on the dashboard in an attempt to clear the Timmies steam off his windshield instead of watching as I slow down to avoid the 85-kph transport truck that is currently cutting me off.

Despite what the movies and TV tell you, in order to successfully jump anything, you need a ramp.

@Ben Wojdyla: That's less than something that makes 290 lb-ft at 1800 rpm.

Wouldn't it have been more eco friendly for them to plant a tree in the middle of his driveway? Provided, of course, that the tree were carried to his house by bicycle, or, I suppose, walking.

On one hand: Good work Ford. Now your base pony car is lighter AND more powerful than your domestic competition.