
@Motor_Yakuza: Don't you mean "Spendocrats" or "Dumbocrats". Also, could you find a cartoon that bemoans the FAT CATS in the STATE CAPITAL?

My biggest concern about "hot swap" technology: Every time you change the batteries, you'll need to reprogram the presets on your radio.

Desmond has a barrow in the market place.

Poon-toe is one of those names that probably won't carry over onto the Chrysler version.

@Deartháir II: The Return: You forgot to mention how VW's have been puking all over the comments for the last month or so.

@Deartháir II: The Return: "Most Amazing Saloon in the World" is kinda like "Prettiest Girl at Last Call". It may be tonnes of fun (yes, pun intended), but it still feels like a consolation prize.

Something tells me this car likes to party.

Dodge Caliber?

@Jeb_Hoge: Nope, gonna be buttless chaps and bandoliers.

Just in case anyone from VW cares, I was going to go look at at a Rabbit this weekend, but because your stupid add prevented me from clicking on this link, I'm striking your car from my list.

Jalopnik uber alles!

@Feds: Or, the best Lancia ever built:

The only Mercedes I would consider owning:

Has "Gay Cowboy" become a meme around here?

@PowerTryp: Actually, the brother of a friend of mine lives next door. London's only about 2 hours for me.