
The money issue makes this a sticky situation...

@Buickboy92: You say "Death Trap" like it's a bad thing.

Oooh, batteries in the trunk and in place of the gas tank... I imagine we will be seeing a lot of celebrities running off the road backwards, though not necessarily on fire.

180 HP, huh...

(no manual is available)

@engineerd: They even went to an established company with expertise in multi-voltage wiring in mobile platforms (Gulf Stream Coach) for startup money and assistance with technical issues...

@acarr260: From 20... That's a fair accomplishment.

@#c15244088: Close enough for me... Race car and open trailer. That's all I need.

Hybrids don't have horns, brakes, or steering wheels? I find these items, used in concert, effectively keep pedestrians out of the grille of my car.

I love it... A 1.2 in a big ole' pick'em'up. Give it a 6000lb tow rating and we'll definitely be talking.

I said it before, and I'll sayz it again: Dodge M80, Dodge Razor. Simple, lightweight, fun styling, proper power trains.

@SubcompactCulture: This was a great concept. Still is. Kind of an H3(4?) with out the aura of pretentiousness.

@sandwich_pants: One of my all time favorite concepts. Would have made a great RX-7.

"...the actual concept dates back to 1966 when Gordon Murray first came up with the idea during his Mechanical Engineering studies at Durban Institute of Technology in South Africa..."