
Are you guys sure this isn't a prop for an upcoming Toby Keith video?

[sits down, waits for Concept R to be rebadged and launched as entry level Porsche]

I've seen a Ben Zina Gauge, but never a Lana Gauge

Wow, poor guy. Not only does he have to drive around in an imported vehicle, but he can't even spell "Inglish" properly.


O'Very? I think this ad has more to do with Ovaries.

I am offended, as this joke somehow insinuates that Camaro owners are committing statutory rape against Willow Palin.

Heavier and with poorer performance than anything in its price class? Unnecessary technology for technology's sake? Unbelievably ugly, but fashionable due to high end badge?

You know, this used to be a nice little internet site.

If I had a Ferrari kit laying around, I would totally sell it to this guy for $7.

Are those fender vents, or are they A-pillar vents? In either case, what are they cooling, exactly?

Probably quicker and better handling than your average Road King/Electra Glide/FLGHQPFRZXTARD.

@benrobNU: Some how I imagine that the kind of person who would make a grill out of an engine is not all that interested in vegetables.