
There is nothing wrong with this car that a call to Painless wiring and a Turbo 13B won't fix.

I've been keeping my B2000 registered just for the inaction of this law... Except it's an '84! Hopefully Canada doesn't use the 1985 rule.

Since I have come into an abundance of spare time recently, I have been considering converting my Craftsman to Electric power.

My neighbours just gave us their old one. It's pretty sun-faded, so I am trying to figure out a way to hot rod it a little. Surprisingly enough, there are NO Cozy Coupe Customizers on the web.

If the HHR looked exactly like this, would it have sold more, or less. Discuss:

I'd buy it, but I don't think my china cabinet full of 1/18th scale models of weird European cars would look quite as impressive as the painting.

Today's History Lesson:

@Flathead Smith: ALL Japanese trucks have 6 lug wheels. Being as this is a reskinned Mazda, 6 lug wheels.

Amarok, I vas stronk as I coult be..

@stevesfiero: You have a 1978 Fiero!?!? That is one rare bird.