
Hahaha...Fender vents.

Easy. Square Volvo. Just ask Clarkson.

Dear God! If press releases get any longer, the internet is going to run out of electrons, or the electrons are going to clog up the tubes, or however the thing works. Where's Al Gore when you need him?

I was contemplating what changes they would have to make to the Veyron's horsepower gauge, and trying to make a comment on that, but I can't say it beter than Nigel.

These dealers did this guy a favour.

I own a 1wd, 2wd(front), 2wd(open,rear), 2wd(lim-slip, rear), and a 4wd.

I, for one, am looking forward to the future Volvo AvailableForTheOverlappingOfTe.... Those have always been capable little wagons.

Well, I now know where to look for Pooh in the 100 Acre Woods. Travis' pants.

See, now THIS is badge engineering. The Design Engineers at GM had to contact a few suppliers, look at their designs for the new fascia module, pick the one with the best ability to make the module, have that pick rejected by purchasing, horsewhip the lowest cost supplier to make something half decent, then release