
Today's sign of the apocolypse (and, yes, I mean the actual end of days, not the automotive industry meltdaown):

I'm sorry, but if I'm paying redicu-money for a car, I don't want it to look like an 18 year old rattle-canned it in the driveway, then added electrical-tape pinstriping.

Only Frankie Muniz has both the star power and driving tallent to handle a task this daunting on a stage this grand.

Hi, I'm Davey.

Yes please. At this price, I could get 2 and stack them up 5th Gear style. 8 passenger transport for $4000. Complete redundancy for the inevitable breakdowns, and just as likely to roll over as a $4000 suburban.

And here's the point:

It's just a little downturn, it's still good, it's still good.

Wow, this would have had John Cooper spinning in his grave. Sooner.

Visions of Street Rod on my 486. I guess we know what happened to The King after he lost to me.