
Don't feel too bad, Detroit. Happiness (in the form of legal prostitution, lax pot laws, and a lower drinking age) are just a short car-ride-to-Windsor away.

Hate to say it, but for the money, I'd get a Soul, or an SX-4.

Who telegraphs anymore? No wonder you guys put so many press releases up verbatim, after all the work that it must be translating marketingspeak from morse code to English, you are justifiably proud of your work.

You have to "save as" the picture, and play with the contrast ratios to see it, but Hillary Clinton is actually standing between Jacques and Jerry.

Amazing that the same country can produce this car, and Hugh Jackman.

You know, that's a pretty "everyman" list, leaning a little more to "fun" than I expected.

Remember when Corvettes had 240 hp?

You guys are all wide of the mark WRT the engine swap.

Va fangulo