
So it's a CC, but not a Coupe-Cabrio?

If you don't think drag racing is hard, you have never seen a car run under 10 seconds in real life. These things move, a LOT, and the tires never really hook up.

That first photo suggests the vehicle has provisions for roof surfing, but looking at the last one says that is not the case.

64 kinds of awesome. I bet these would sell like hotcakes as NEV's. All the retirees cruising Arizona's gated communities imagining they are 16 again.

This article suggests that Wendel feels his "softer, heavier, uglier" plan for porsche is some sort of secret.

From a simpler time, when all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.

Fat lot of not-good for ford. Kirky just wants to run an automaker, but his bungling of the Chrysler deal shows he has no idea how to do it.

Mmmmmm.... Misogyny-ee.

Now that I read the press release, I have a question about this bit:

Gotta go with the AMC.

This law is not on the Canadian books, just Ontario. And it is regoddamneddiculous. Pisses all over the Magna Carta.

If I were to buy a sedan, it would be the Mazdaspeed6. Good power, good economy, good chassis.

Needs more AWD turbo wagon.