The FedEx Pope

Jim and Pam dynamic was a failure because Pam is ultimately the most insufferable girlfriend/wife ever. Her vascilating between Roy (really?) and Jim; her cutting off his Philly career. The series even acknowledges it in the end when the crowd asks her why she doesn’t recognize he’s a gift of a husband and she never

Don’t be an asshole.

Cliff's mom and Carla's husband(s) were seen on numerous occasions. 

“Rivals” sounds fun so I’ll check it out. And as long as we are talking about Hyden, for old times’ sake... DAWES!

“Instead, point out how boring it is to think people should be punished if they don’t conform. How tedious it is to think that the contours of your own thought enclose all that is worth knowing. How embarrassing it is to be cruel.”

I grew up in a tourist town with a volunteer firefighter company. I wasn’t aware that firefighters were expected to be anything other then overweight drunk dads who’s wives cooked you a bi-annual spaghetti dinner until I was in my early twenties.

I get the feeling that a pandemic-related straight to video release is exactly the kind of exit strategy the studio was praying for when they first saw this.

Shortly after that episode came out I was getting a haircut / shave, and right as the barber was shaving my neck with a straight razor I remembered the Def Jam Picard bit and started laughing. Because I’m a moron.

No way, Judge Smails is a grade A prick who also welshes on bets. Iceman is an asshole but has integrity in his coldness.

I don’t think that’s a fair assessment of Maverick’s arc, which is actually pretty textbook. At the beginning of the movie he is motivated by the memory of his dead father, ostensibly disgraced during Vietnam. Maverick thinks he can come out from his father’s shadow by being the best fighter pilot in the Navy. He

The newest Blu-rays and digital versions just say “Maclunkey!”

By the episode, this show gets more ambitious in its vision, but is less able to pull it off.

Well, the original parents never met Marty, and do we have more than a minute with the upgraded parents? Perhaps they have had a few conversations with themselves and Marty about his uncanny resemblance. However, Marty wouldn’t ‘remember’ those conversations anyway (which is the freakiest aspect), and they’ve

Its weird because I get the opposite feeling from the book. The book makes me feel like its in his head - where as the movie makes me feel like some of the murders were real and some were mental.

“Damn shame what the did to that dog.”

Hope it works out better for her than Michael Keaton in Multiplicity.

Instead that’s what action films have become: loosely related fight scenes against a veneer of a plot. 

I’ll always remember the part of Ebert’s review of RotJ where he singles out the scene of the Rancor’s death and its owner/trainer sobbing. I’m paraphrasing here, but it’s “Even in a galaxy far far away, everybody is loved by somebody.”