The FedEx Pope

You know what podcast was good this week without being all about coronavirus? Cum Town.

As Liz Lemon said to Dennis Duffy:

Fun fact: If Jeri Ryan’s husband at the time hadn’t been so thirsty about having his weirder sexual proclivities satisfied, we never would have gotten Obama as president.

To Poppie my favorite couch pee-er. They probably can’t publish what

This is exactly what I’m thinking as I eyeball the Boston dates.

I liked Rogue One a lot when it came out. Then I liked it a little bit less on rewatch. But I just re-re-re-rewatched it, and now comparing it to Solo and Rise of Skywalker it’s a masterpiece.

wait until you find out about capitalist countries!

Really? It comes up all the time, most notably in a Paul Simon song and Seinfeld episode. Have you been living in some kind of sealed-off artificial environment?

“I don’t see any connection to gentrification, Walter.

I could not Agree with you more, when he tells ted danson “ you dont have to call , if your plane crashes we will all hear about it” i spit up my drink ... very funny episode

The whole dinner scene in Rushmore, but mostly this:

I finally watched the Joker this week and ended up feeling like it’s a weird movie to generate so much praise and hatred. For context I afterwards watched King of Comedy, and it struck me that what Joker misses is some sort of psychological and/or moral clarity about the character we’re watching. Without that it’s

The one flaw that I can’t get over regarding Rogue One is that it would have made a KILLER streaming service miniseries of about 10 episodes. Make the same general movie, but with enough time to 1) expand on the characters in the team and have them evolve personally, and 2) allow them to have a few more adventures,

See also Phantom Menace,

Let me tell you about a small company named "Disney"

The famous scene where Paulie throws Adrian’s turkey in the alley originally had a followup scene.

No I think they’re saying that it’s harder to empathize with people who spent their career pointedly not empathizing with others.

Now playing

You forgot to mention the scene in Rocky IV where Rocky gives Paulie a robot for his birthday...

I don’t know why