The FedEx Pope

The official song of lowering your Wayfarers to check out a hot babe walking by. 

My friends thought I was nuts for saying Jim should’ve gone for Karen back when that arc was airing, but I was right! 

Professor Lawrence Pierce of the University of Chicago writes, “I think Rebecca gets stupider every year.”

We lost our way as a nation when we turned our backs on Dawes. 

I was not expecting to see someone go in so hard on Cybill Shepherd to day. Yowza. 

He has that same kind of menacing presence that Walken sometime exudes.

It’s one thing to make a movie about immature stoner white guys when the white guy in question has some degree of charm or magnetism (Seth Rogen, for example) but it’s a whole other thing when it’s Pete Davidson.

Season 5 was the show’s high point, IMO.

I’ve had sex.

The best podcast episode of all time is the Cum Town where they invent the character Def Jam Picard. 

Lil Dicky has one of the most punchable faces around. A really, truly annoying mug. And his music sucks too.

As long as you keep in the privacy of your own home (no disrespect to the recently departed Fred Willard).

David Spade, looking exceptionally smooth.

Top Gun rocks. It’s stupid, and loud, and the plot is thin, but it just itches some lizard part of my brain. A local independent theater had a 70mm showing of it a few years back and hearing Danger Zone pumping through the speakers just hit the spot.


Right, I’ve kinda lost what Maeve’s actual motivation even is anymore. 

Probably the best summary of this show I’ve seen.

I thought there was going to be a big reveal after Bernard said that William was dead. Namely, that the current William was a host. 

He was drowned in a tank of water underneath a stage as part of the big finale for a Victorian era magic show.

It’s one of my favorite movies ever, and I’ve watched it 100 times or so, and I totally agree. You only see the new timeline parents for about a minute or so at the very end of the first movie (and then again in the second, but they’re elderly by that point), so it barely even matters anyway. The timeline weirdness