The FedEx Pope

Wow, I can’t believe this show is still on. I remember the first episode aired the week I started working a menial, low paying accounting job at Waste Management, so I watched it with mild interest. It’s hard to believe that was ten years ago.

The only A+ I can remember was the Palestinian Chicken episode of Curb from like ten years ago.

I assume it’s a continuation of the “Beastie Boys Book” thing.

Michael should’ve introduced The Quickening to the Good Place as a way of staving off the ennui of immortality.

No, SNL’s audience is the bearded white guys’ parents.

Funkman adamantly claiming he was an orphan, despite his parents dying while he was in his sixties, is one of my favorite bits the show ever did.

I can’t argue with that. 

Rogue One is the only Star Wars movie made after the OT worth watching more than once.

I liked Rogue One better, but Mandalorian is a close second.

I really, really hated how muddled that was. In the OT, it’s easy: the Rebels are good and the Empire is bad. Was the Resistance supposed to be like the Mujahideen, backed by the New Republic (the US here) against the First Order (the USSR in this horribly tortured analogy)?

My best friend in high school had a pretty ironclad rule: if it didn’t happen in the movies, it doesn’t count.

It was a plot point in the latest episode of The Mandalorian, but I assume it was coincidence. 

Right?!! What in the world was that.

Well, you see the movie had >1 woman in it...

The Shining would like a word.

It’s also crazy how well that CGI has aged compared to some films that came out a decade-plus after it (cough Hobbit cough).

As I recall, getting in shape for that film is what prompted him to quit smoking.

They did a pretty good job casting that film. I would love to see an Odyssey movie with Sean Bean as Odysseus. That is about the end of the nice things I have to say about Troy.

I always assumed she died eventually via snakebite. 

To be fair, it wasn’t just AVC writers doing that.