The FedEx Pope

Another great one. I know Disqus wasn’t perfect, but we lost so much good stuff in the great migration to Kinja.

I’ve thought some on what a 100% (or closer to it) faithful ASOIAF TV adaptation would be like and I’ve concluded that 1. it would have to be animated and 2. it would probably be as well-received as the Stephen King-approved TV movie version of The Shining.

You know, I never considered that and that would’ve been a much more elegant path.

They had to knock down the wall somehow, and since the show never introduced the Horn of Joramun, this must’ve been the next best idea. I agree that the entire mission was dumb and was way too high risk, but I guess they had CGI budget to burn.

I recall an attitude among sports franchise owners not terribly long ago (like, beginning of the decade) that year-to-year profitability wasn’t as important as growing the value of your franchise. Essentially, operating at a loss was ok as long as you could cash out for many times what you paid for the franchise. What

It’s a shame the show deprived us of brutal dimwit Victarion Greyjoy and kind of blunted the edges of Euron. Where’s the eyepatch?

Pour one out for I Am Actually Billy Corgan and the Taco Bell Bell.

We must protect this Groverhaus!

Right, instead of being something of a child prodigy battlefield commander who struggled with the bigger political picture (“I’ve won every battle but I’m losing the war!”) he’s an adult who threw away a very important alliance on a whim.

The Ringer really missed the mark here. Melo is a hat-obsessed loser, not a self-obsessed loser.

Exactly. It was a series of ZOMG moments that they just kind of checked off. Like, the dragon assault on the Tarlys was cool, but felt kind of superfluous.

I guess it’s due to budgetary constraints, but the show really minimizes the connection between the Stark kids and their wolves. I don’t like it!

Also, Robb was like 16 in the books, so acting somewhat impulsively and without regard for consequences is a lot more understandable. 

One of the clear upgrades over the books, IMO.

The last season in particular is just a stream of big sequences with almost no connective tissue.

Stephen Dillane was great, no question there.

You’re talking about Viserys. Rhaegar had his chest caved in by Robert Baratheon years before the events of the show even started.

Other than everything about Dorne from season 5 on, bungling Stannis was the show’s greatest failure.

Yeah, Rhaegar was supposedly everything his father wasn’t. I believe, in the books at least, there was growing support for Rhaegar usurping his father before Robert’s Rebellion broke out.

Haven’t listened to the one that dropped today yet, but it seems like Adam has been on fire (by his standards, at least) lately. It seems like Nick is primarily bullying Stav now and it’s giving Adam a chance to flourish.