The FedEx Pope

The Birdcage is one of my favorite movies. It’s so, so funny.

Judging by the 400 or so comments, way more people have strong opinions on Pete Davidson than I ever would have expected.

They have some of that novelty toilet paper that normally has like, Hillary Clinton’s face on each square, but instead has Marvin Miller on it.

Not technically, she is literally his aunt. 

Right, his sub-.700 OPS should make it an absolute layup, but we will see.

Baez’s explosion and the army of guys on the roster who can capably play second base makes “doing the right thing” here pretty easy for the Cubs.

Keanu trying to pronounce Budapest as Britishly as possible in Dracula is a great piece of unintentional comedy.

“The three buttons is a little 90s, Mr. Wayne.

But then we wouldn’t have had Bane!! Bane rules.

Professional sports teams should all be some sort of public/community trust. I hate the Packers as much as any Chicagoan in good standing, but they have it right when it comes to ownership models.

I think one of my big awakenings in adulthood was my realization of this. Ownership/The Organization, more often than not, does not care about you at all. 

I’ll give you the Renly bit, for sure. He was some AJ Soprano looking dweeb one minute and then the most charismatic man in Westeros the next. His whole claim in the show never felt “earned” the way it did in the books.

The early changes were mostly fine, and some were even improvements over the book (I liked Arya-Tywin at Harrenhall from the show more than Arya-Roose from the books). 

It’s been a series of big, hugely expensive set pieces with minimal connective tissue for at least a season, probably two or three now. The show was probably right to cut out most of the side plots from AFFC and ADWD, but what they replaced it with feels incredibly thin.

Barstool, always having a regular one.

While what he said was mind-bendingly tone deaf and stupid, he also made the Moth Joke, which is my favorite joke of all time. It’s almost a wash. rang?

Ladies and gentlemen, this apology’s for the birds!

Boo Boo: Origins.

Finally, the Hanna-Barbera cinematic universe.