The FedEx Pope

It’s really good. I watched it on a plane and it made the trip from Baltimore to Fort Myers tolerable.

The Terry Benedict role is played by Bane.

My son’s name is also Ocean.

I celebrate the entire series.

Poor Ewan. His performance deserved much better.

It’s definitely both. A better actor could’ve overcome Lucas’s sub-par directing, and a better director could’ve gotten more out of Christensen’s limited range.


Kylo Ren is everything Anakin Skywalker was supposed to be in the Revenge of the Sith. Conflicted, angry, capable of believably expressing human emotions.

For the longest time, I got Pinhead and Eraserhead confused, so I thought that David Lynch directed Hellraiser. I’m not a smart man.

It makes me feel like a huge goddamn mark, because Disney knew exactly what they were doing, but I can’t help but get overwhelmed emotionally when Rey flies the Falcon for the first in The Force Awakens. I had waited decades to see the Millennium Falcon again, and seeing it again got me good.

That movie gets me, too. My mom loves it and makes a big deal of calling/texting me whenever it’s on TV in the weeks leading up to Christmas, so it’s always had a special place in my heart.

I’m a fellow TDKR defender. It’s overstuffed and a little messy, but Bane works for me. Catwoman works for me. It’s not as good as TDK, but I enjoy it for what it is.

Bram Stoker’s Dracula is pretty good if you can get over Keanu’s accent and also Winona Ryder’s accent.

I had no idea Billy Corgan released new music today.

I’m not a New Yorker, so I don’t know how the Mets-Yankees dynamic works, but I heard similar things here in Chicago about how the Cubs and Sox would never work with each other, right up until the day of the Jose Quintana trade.

Ah, like when Homer received Snake’s hair after Snake was executed and it turned him evil in that one Treehouse of Horror segment.

I assume Beavis and Butthead went off the air the first time because they ran out of Danzig videos to commentate upon.

“The Ringer’s Mostly Fine, But Please Stop Doing Those Tournament Bracket Gimmicks For The Best Wire Character Or Whatever, For The Love Of God, It’s Not 2012 Anymore” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, either.

They made a whole movie out of Moe chasing off Kang and Kodos with a board with a nail in it.

I gotta say, this is mildly disappointing. I’m looking to move on from my 2010 Mazda3 that has served me so well over the last 8+ years, and this turbo 6 was one of the replacements I’ve been eyeing. I’ll probably end up going the CX-5 route, but I was hoping this 6 could tempt me away from entering the ranks of