The FedEx Pope

This is probably limited to Cubs fans, but Kris Bryant lived up to every piece of unrealistic hype thrown his way. Rookie of the year, then the NL MVP in his second season en route to winning the World Series. An unreasonable amount of hope was pinned on him, and he delivered in two years.

Do we even need the TWOW, or can we just cobble the narrative together from the preview chapters he’s leaked and the most insane ASOIAF theories on Reddit?

Honestly, the “he doesn’t owe the fans anything!” remarks are equally as tiresome as the fans’ demands for the book.

I was definitely agreeing with you. I grew up in one of the mainline Protestant denominations, so we still had a high-church type atmosphere. I never was able to wrap my mind around the weird Evangelical aesthetic.

There’s a pretty big difference between St. Peter’s Basilica and those shittyKevin Sorbo movies in the awe-inspiration department.

Maynard is like a more boring Billy Corgan. Billy Corgan is up his own ass, but hilariously so.

I’ll go to bat for Lateralus. It was entirely up its own ass, but I appreciate what they were going for.

The new Sleep album is very good.


You know, I could see him as a Jurgen Klinsmann style philosopher king who also able to, you know, coherently coach a team.

Once upon a time he was a preternaturally gifted scorer, albeit in a way that isn’t really valued in the NBA anymore. He’s old, washed, and spent the last several years playing for the perpetually dysfunctional Knicks, but he was once really good.

I would be fine with Fury Road being the last movie ever made, period. The medium of film making reached its pinnacle.

I share the hatred of white, creamy sauces. Mayo, ranch dressing, sour cream, bleu cheese dressing, and tzatziki are all no-nos in my book. I do like alfredo sauce, for some reason.

We need to get a Pierre St. Pierre appreciation thread going.

Yeah, seeing as Rose isn’t even 30 yet and should still be in his prime, it’s rough to watch him kinda shuffle around like a 55 year old dude at the Y.

The thing with Rose is that he does something every few games that makes you say “wow, the 2011 guy is still in there somewhere” but surrounds those moments with a mountain of crap. It tricks people into thinking he might still have some juice.

She’s right, Multiplicity rules.

DAMNIT. I have to hand in my Pepperman badge and gun for that blunder.

The Chase and Airheads, the two towering pillars of late 90s Saturday afternoon Comedy Central programming.

Michael Anthony Kiedis and Flea as monster truck-driving would-be vigilantes? Hell yes it holds up.