I might switch Joshua Tree and War, but they’re basically 1A and 1B in my mind.
I might switch Joshua Tree and War, but they’re basically 1A and 1B in my mind.
The near-universal defense of Greg Schiano from football journalists is really, really strange to me. Is defending the honor of some rage case asshole like Greg Schiano really the hill to die on?
They should have the zombies slowly “learn” like the head zombie in Land of the Dead. The show treats the zombies as a peripheral nuisance now instead of THE threat to survival, so that might tip the scales back.
If the Big Lebowski taught me anything, and it taught me plenty, it’s that bowling leagues are a series of round robins.
Yeah, the scene in the book with the starving rat/cheese torture was where I sorta checked out. I finished it, but that was a tipping point from “this is interesting!” to “this is a chore.”
The American Psycho movie worked because the book’s basic premise was good, but Bret Easton Ellis is a crappy blowhard and mostly botched the execution. Basically, Mary Harron did a great job of polishing Bret Easton Ellis’s turd.
Even as a supremely dumb 15 year old boy, I could tell that Tyler Durden was the antagonist. Sure he was cool and all, but he was the bad guy.
Yeah, The Shining is my go-to example of movie over book. The book is fine, but the movie is so much better.
This is as close to a gritty Multiplicity reboot as we’re gonna get, I suppose.
Personally, I’m trying to get in the good graces of future God-Emperor Barron.
I recall some non-specific rumors about his skeeviness years and years ago, so it is curious timing. Probably a coincidence.
No kidding. What a stick in the mud.
It makes absolutely no sense. For a manager with Maddon’s “cerebral” reputation, he screwed the pooch royally. Honestly, he’s been a making a lot of really weird, bad bullpen decisions since game six of the World Series last year.
Woke Up This Morning is an embarrassing, mega-corny song but I couldn’t imagine The Sopranos without it. It was weird when they used to play it on the radio all the time back when The Sopranos debuted.
Yeah, South Park should’ve used Jerry Was a Racecar Driver as their theme song.
It is, and I think that’s why it’s my favorite. Sea Change is such a bummer. On the fun to sad Beck spectrum, it’s pretty close to the middle.
My most overly-clever Halloween costume was Huey Lewis and The News. I wore wayfarers, a gray blazer, jeans, and carried around a newspaper. One person got it the entire night.
If you’re of legal drinking age and still reading Barstool, you should get your driver’s license revoked.
Abbie doobie.
Mutations had enough variety to not be totally Sad Beck, but it veered in that direction. Everything about it is very...understated I guess? Not quite elegant, but something along those lines. It was sandwiched between two maximalist Fun Beck albums, so it feels like Beck catching his breath.